Look at the state of this website! The Crusher trilogy is complete, and the home page still says Parts 2 and 3 ‘coming soon’? Bear with us – (Here imagine frantic sounds of sawing, hammering and cursing behind the scenery…)
Ladies and Gents, the third and final part of the Crusher trilogy, Shredder, is out this month, June 2014. The official launch is Thursday 3rd July (which is next month, I know, shut up at the back) and to mark it I am going to raffle off three sets of the novels in the paperbacks with the cool matching covers, autographed of course (so you can’t send ’em back.) The draw will take place on Sunday 6 July and a link to the entry widget is on the front page of this website… or will be very shortly… (Hoot! Let’s stick a link to the comp on the home page!) I will mail the signed sets to winners anywhere in the world.
What can I say about Shredder, the climax of the Crusher trilogy, that doesn’t give everything away? Very little. Higher body count than Incinerator, I think. There would have been more swearing but my lovely editor @Laurenbucky made me take most of it out (gosh darn!) Some readers say it’s their favourite book of the trilogy; I just say, how can I choose a favourite? It’s like choosing your favourite child (actually that’s quite easy – it’s the one who most recently brought you breakfast in bed). I’m just happy that I’ve met my deadline, because it means I can put my feet up and have a pint or three.
What’s next? Well, there will be more Crusher in time, and after all he’s been through, he’ll be more cynical and hardbitten than ever (want to know why? Read Shredder!) Before that however… let’s just say I’ve come across the most amazing historical character, who though he really existed and had the most extraordinary career, obligingly left few records of what he actually got up to.
Which gives me lots of scope to make things up.
‘Cos that’s what writing is.
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